Finance & Insurance Banks & Credit Unions
Not for profit, not for charity, but for service. For over eighty years, The League has been steadfastly dedicated to its core purpose: promoting the credit union difference. Through a commitment to excellence, honesty & integrity, risk-taking, balance, and unity, we are proud to support Wisconsin's credit unions and Wisconsin's credit union members. Founded in 1934, The Wisconsin Credit Union League is the dues-supported trade association for Wisconsin's credit unions--not-for-profit financial institutions that are cooperatively owned by their more than 3.3 million members. The League is dedicated to serving Wisconsin's credit unions and promoting the credit union difference through advocacy, education, and public service. We are a proud member of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) and of a worldwide credit union system centered on credit union members. Established in 2007, The Wisconsin Credit Union Foundation is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization that works to promote the growth and health of credit unions and their communities. Foundation resources are used to promote credit union development, assist with the educational needs of credit union staff and volunteers, support programming designed to enhance financial literacy of the public and support the credit union system in times of need.