Non-profit Organizations
Fair Wisconsin works to build a fair, safe, and inclusive Wisconsin for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people by advancing, achieving, and protecting LGBT civil rights and workplace equality through lobbying, legislative advocacy, grassroots organizing, coalition building and civic engagement. These efforts are designed to educate the general voting public, sensitize the media, promote a politically active and effective organizational membership, and better inform policy makers on issues of concern to the organization’s members. Founded in 1994, Fair Wisconsin is one of the state’s most respected advocacy groups and has a proud history in the cause of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equality. With a statewide board of directors and a full-time staff, Fair Wisconsin represents the Badger state in the Equality Federation, the strategic partner to state-based LGBT advocacy organizations, and is a proud member of Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee, Community Shares of Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce.